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“Prepare and set time to grow closer to God through prayer and meditation.”
“External Forces of this World and the Universe”
This Life that we live is very fragile. One minute or day it’s great and then it all seems to go to “Hell” in a breadbasket! We just can’t believe what happened, how can everything so good get so bad with lightning speed. All our crying, grieving or disbelief will not change a thing!
Our “Lives”, controlled by external forces that we have no control over. Economic, Financial, “Problems of the Heart,” Family problems with children, Sickness, disability and even Death! These problems that we have little control over attack our lives, our beliefs and those things in our life that we “Thought” were unbreakable but are now shattered and turned to dust! The forces in this “Universe” that we live in and must abide by are Great. They can be powerful like the “Storms” of the “Seasons” that we weather, overwhelming and destructive, good and evil forces from those in the world that we live with, the threat of wars, and finally the “environment,” our surroundings which we all live in!
The problem so many times is that we think we are in control, but later we realize that we had no control at all until it was too late. We thought “Love” between people would never die or fade, we thought this job that you loved would be there till retirement, but it was not, we thought our “Lifestyle” was within our means, but it was not and are now facing financial disasters.
When in any of your days you wonder, why do I worry about this or that, those external forces of the “Universe” are breaking into your shield of defense that you might think you have!
You must learn how to get “Faith”, that is what Our Heavenly Father entwined within our DNA. Jesus spoke about “Faith” when He replied, “Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:20-21. Have you ever seen a mustard seed and held it in your hand?
Jesus spoke that “Faith” could move mountains even a little “Faith” such as the size of a mustard seed!
In this “Fragile Life” that we live, with the so many up and down heaves, the so many seen and unknown problems that we face “You” must turn to the Son of God, Jesus Christ for “Guidance” to face everything in life that is thrown at you! Asking Jesus for “Help” when you need it and “Giving Thanks in Prayer” when that help arrives. You must have that “Knowing”; that God the Father Loves you and will “Never Stop Loving You, His Creation of this world Man! Learning to Pray, taking time to devote to God, The Son of God, Jesus Christ, throwing away all doubts, “Believing” in Him, Jesus Christ, “You” will acquire the “Faith That Moves Mountains.” That “Faith” that helps human beings to solve the problems in life that we all face, and by accepting Jesus Christ as Your Savior, “You” may achieve the “Promise” of Life Eternal as promised by Jesus Christ, Our Savior!
Take the “Time” of devotion at home, in your car driving, when you take your morning walk or in the quiet time when you go to sleep. Devote time to Jesus Christ, for guidance for yourself, your family, your community, your country and this world that all Men and Women live and breathe the same air. Ensure your Spirit’s, Your Soul’s Eternal Life just as you try to ensure your family’s financial future with life insurance which you may buy! Take the “Time” for Prayer,” and it will build the Faith to build your “Life” upon! Be "Thankful" to Jesus Christ for all that you have been given in this life for so many times we are saved by a thread, and we not even know it! Visit: prayerscircle.com
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